The first of my six essays are now published by Amazon as a book, entitled Everything and Nothing: Essays on Climate Change and Cultural Transformation.
The first of my six essays are now published by Amazon as a book, entitled Everything and Nothing: Essays on Climate Change and Cultural Transformation.
I am particularly interested in: how the climate emergency is both an absolute and urgent challenge to our physical security and survival but also an opportunity to explore new forms of consciousness; how the latter is the key to meeting the challenge of the former.
I was brought up in London and the English West Country, went to a state school and on to university for an extended liberal education in the humanities. Then I became interested in unconventional traditions in both our own and non-Western cultures - Western mysticism and theosophy, but also the Indian traditions of Buddhism and Hindu Vedanta and the history of Chinese thought and practice. I spent a number of years exploring these before settling down to a professional career in mental health, first as a social worker, then a family group and systemic psychotherapist in an NHS adult psychotherapy service. I have always been interested in environmental issues and was active in the Greens in the eighties and nineties. I am now retired from professional life but draw on all my life experiences in any writing I do.